Who Are We?
An authentic French Brasserie in Montréal
with incomparable service!
Fifty years ago, Pierre Lévêque became the owner of La Lucarne, a small steak house on Laurier Avenue, already elegantly adorned with warm, inviting storefronts. A silent historical witness to the Avenue that Lévêque and his family were preparing to elevate to the status of famous dining institution in Montreal. Chez Lévêque was born.
Gradually, partition walls were taken down, the window front was opened up, and the design was streamlined, keeping with the refined and distinctive spirit of Laurier Avenue, invariably friendly and authentic.
Four decades of commitment have contributed to forging the gastronomy in Montreal, the history of Laurier Avenue and Chez Lévêque as a landmark.
What should you expect at Chez Lévêque?
Our dishes are prepared with the best ingredients and the freshest produce that we order directly from our longstanding suppliers. Fishermen, farmers and cultivators, whose passion and extraordinary effort to please our customers' palates and refinement we commend.
White tablecloths, elegant service, meals and dishes at once simple and succulent filled with rich aromas, vegetables from the market and fresh produce, a vast selection of wine and spirits, a relaxed and friendly atmosphere are the features you can expect to find in a Parisian Brasserie.
You will find in our menus, along the seasons, comforting stews, the freshest seafood, sometimes selected or even caught in the ocean by Pierre Lévêque himself, the most tender meat cuts and variety meats, salads, soups, gratinées, toasts and grilled sandwiches, pies and puff pastries, cheeses, breads and sumptuous desserts made in-house by our chef-pâtissier. And this is exactly what our friendly clients enjoy about our delightful, happy authentic Parisian Brasserie in Montreal.
Terrines and breads that are served to you as soon as you have taken seat, everything is expertly made in our kitchens.
Our authentic recipes have crossed the ocean in Pierre Lévêque luggage more than 45 years ago! A pioneer of French gastronomy in Quebec, Chez Lévêque specializes in perfectly mastered French classics.
Here, don't look for culinary stunts to impress you. Excellent cuisine well prepared that brings delight to the senses, with still a few surprises here and there: simple and modern stews and comforting dishes, at times enhanced by an original touch yet always grounded in traditional French gastronomy, attentive to the pleasures of the table and your taste buds.
Administered by the Lévêque family still today, after four decades Chez Lévêque is a pillar of French gastronomy in Montreal. To the delight of the patrons as well as a new, younger late evening crowd, who comes to enjoy our $21 menu at noon and our 25$ at 9 pm!
Supported by exceptional kitchen and service staff, the Lévêque family welcomes you to our grand Parisian Brasserie in Montreal.